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更新时间:2020-10-27 00:42:28 大小:859K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:胎压传感器 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


胎压传感器是一种在汽车上应用多年的无线传感器,但是电能供应一直是制约该传感器使用寿命的一大瓶颈。提出了一种收集环境中热能的方法,设计了一种能量收集电路,实现了胎压传感器的无线无源自供电。利用温差发电器件(TEG)将轮胎内部积蓄的热能转换为电能,并基于LTC3108电源管理芯片设计了一种超低压电能收集电路。实验表明,所设计的电路可以收集低至100 mV,10 mA,1 W能量,并经过一段时间的积累之后成功驱动胎压传感器。

The tire pressure sensor is a wireless sensor that has been used in automobiles for many years, but the power supply has always been a bottleneck restricting the service life of the sensor. The article proposes a method for collecting heat energy in the environment, designs an energy harvesting circuit and achieves self-power supply of the tire pressure sensor. The thermoelectric generation(TEG) is used to convert the thermal energy accumulated inside the tire into electric energy. An ultra-low voltage electric energy collecting circuit is designed based on the LTC3108 power management chip. Experiments have shown that the designed circuit can collect energy as low as 100 mV, 10 mA, 1 mW, and successfully drive the tire pressure sensor after a period of accumulation.


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具有温差能量收集功能的胎压传感器电路设计.pdf 859K



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