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更新时间:2020-10-26 10:51:45 大小:2M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:电流检测电路 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


传统的电流检测电路中,单一的负反馈回路结构因带宽受限,无法满足用于微处理器的电源管理芯片对速度和精度的要求,需进行改进。在传统电流检测的基础上多引入一条负反馈回路,得到一种带动态偏置并联负反馈电路的新型电流检测电路。用Cadence EDA工具Spectre进行仿真,结果表明:在宽负载电流变化下,新型电路的单位增益带宽和增益相比传统型有较明显的提高,相位裕度在整个负载变化内都在65℃以上,检测电压的上冲现象得到有效抑制,且峰值比较靠近理想电压,具有较高的检测精度。因此,新型峰值电流检测电路的检测速度和精度与传统型相比,均有所改善,满足系统宽负载的设计要求。

In the traditional current-sensoring circuit,due to bandwidth limitation,the single negative feedback loop structure cannot meet the speed and accuracy of power-management-IC(PMIC) in the microprocessor. Therefore,it need to be improved.A novel current-sensoring circuit with dynamic biased parallel negative feedback circuit is proposed,which introduces a negative feedback loop based on the traditional current detection and simulates under Cadence EDA tools of spectre.As the simulation results showed,within the wide variation of load current,the unit gain bandwidth and gain of the new circuit are significantly improved compared with the conventional type.The phase margin is above 65℃ throughout the load change,the ststem is stable,and the overshoot voltage is obtained. Effective suppression,and the peak is closer to the ideal voltage with higher detection accuracy. Therefore,the detection speed and accuracy of the novel current-sensoring circuit are improved compared with the conventional type,and meet the design require ments of the system wide load.


文件名 大小
高速高精度电流检测电路的设计.pdf 2M



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