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更新时间:2020-10-19 11:26:12 大小:193K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:无线鼠标 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


一种用于无线鼠标的无接触供电电路,它包括无接触供电原边电路和副边电路两部分。供电装置采用USB供电,电压为5 V,原边电路通过自激振荡电路产生138 kHz左右的振荡电压,经鼠标垫内置的无接触耦合原边线圈输出能量。无线鼠标内置副边线圈,用感应耦合方式获取电能,并由稳压芯片稳压得到3.1 V的直流电压。通过数学分析建立系统模型,得到无接触电能传输设计方案。采用了升压整流电路,克服了低电压条件下无接触耦合副边线圈电压低的缺陷,实验证明电路可行。

A non-contact power supply circuit for wireless mouse is composed of a non-contact power supply original edge circuit and a vice edge circuit.Power supply device uses USB to provide 5V voltage.The original edge circuit produces about 138 kHz oscillation voltage through self-excited oscillation circuit,and outputs energy through the non-contact coupling original edge coil which is built in mouse mat.The vice edge coils are built in the wireless mouse to get electric power in induction mode and acquire 3.1 V DC voltage by AVR microchip.A system model was established by mathematical analysis,and then the design scheme for non-contact electric power transmission was worked out.Adopted The boost rectifier circuit was adopt...


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一种用于无线鼠标的无接触供电电路.pdf 193K

