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更新时间:2020-08-02 06:25:16 大小:853K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:光纤激光功率检测电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


设计了一种适用于新型光纤熔接机光功率探测对准系统中激光功率检测电路,通过选用高灵敏度的InGaAs光电二极管实现光电转换.采用差分放大电路进行前置的I/V转换和放大滤波,并对其进行了仿真测试和电路调试.结果表明:该检测电路能够有效的去除工频等噪声的干扰,并且具有稳定的输出信号和放大倍数,实现对输入的激光功率信号进行转换并输出匹配至0~3 V电压范围的A/D转换器中,为后续运用微机控制运动平台进行熔接奠定基础.

Adapted to the laser power in the optical power alignment system of the fusion splicer,the article designs the laser power detection circuit,which realizes the photoelectric conversion by using the InGaAs photodiode. The detection circuit achieves the 1/V conversion ,amplification and smoothing through the differential amplification circuit, then the simulation testing and the circuit debugging are done. It's shows that the detection circuit which has a stable output signal and magnification can fulfill the function of laser power conversion and match voltage arranges from 0-3V A/D transverter,laying the foundation for the follow-up about microcomputer controls the motion platform.


文件名 大小
新型光纤熔接机中激光功率检测电路设计.pdf 853K

