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更新时间:2020-07-19 11:13:22 大小:1M 上传用户:守着阳光1985查看TA发布的资源 标签:无刷直流电机 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


由于无刷直流电机绕组存在电感,换相时电流无法突变,导致非换相电流存在波动,从而产生换相转矩脉动.提出一种新的电压补偿电路,由4 个电力开关管,1 个电力二极管,1 个电容器组成.通过控制电力开关管导通和关断,在非换相期间,直流电压源对电容充电;在换相期间,直流电压源与电容串联,满足驱动电压等于4 倍反电动势幅值,使得关断相电流下降速率与导通相电流上升速率一致,非换相电流波动降低,从而有效抑制换相转矩脉动.通过仿真验证了电压补偿电路能有效地抑制换相转矩脉动.

Because of the inductance in the winding of brushless DC motor,the current can′t change immediately,in the commutation period,which the non-commutation phase current ripple and commutation torque ripple areproduced. Presented a new voltage compensation circuit,which included 4 power switches,1 power diode and 1capacitor. By controlling power switches turned on and turned off,in the non-commutation period,the direct voltagesource charged to the capacitor,then,in the commutation period,the direct voltage source in series with the capacitor,made the driving voltage be equal to 4 times of the back EMF amplitude,which made the outing phase current fallingrate be equal to the incoming phase current rising rate,the n...


文件名 大小
无刷直流电机抑制转矩脉动的方法研究.pdf 1M

