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更新时间:2020-07-12 06:00:41 大小:913K 上传用户:守着阳光1985查看TA发布的资源 标签:反激电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(1) 举报


中高压输入的辅助电源作为控制电路的供电系统,在整个测量控制系统中具有重要作用。基于单端反激变换电路,设计出了一款辅助电源供电系统,该系统以中高压作为输入侧信号,低压侧输出24V DC,并且推导出了详细的电源系统设计方法,并采用PWM控制芯片UC1843作为反激电路的主控芯片,结合反激电路拓扑结构原理,重点针对UC1843外围电路以及反激变换中线圈以及磁芯选取参数作出精细的设计。采用单端反激电路并结合芯片控制,更好地解决了传统辅助电源输出电压的波动问题。最后对设计出来的辅助电源样机进行测试,通过输出电压波形证明设计的实用性。

As an auxiliary power supply of the control circuit, the auxiliary power supply of middle and high voltage plays an important role in the whole measurement and control system. Based on single-end flyback cir- cuit, a kind of auxiliary power supply for middle and high voltage input and 24VDC low voltage output is de- signed. The detailed design of the auxiliary power supply is given, and the PWM control chip UC1843 as the control chip flyback circuit, combined with the principle of flyback circuit topology, focusing on the peripheral circuit of UC1843 and the key parameters of the transformer flyback circuit design. By using single ended fly- back circuit and chip control, the ...


文件名 大小
基于单端反激电路的高压辅助电源设计.pdf 913K


  • 2022-09-06 11:57:32吃瓜小火
