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更新时间:2020-07-10 11:08:45 大小:333K 上传用户:songhuahua查看TA发布的资源 标签:温度传感器 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


中性束注入(neutral beam injector,NBI)系统的低温泵上必须设置一组温度测量点以监控其工作状态;为满足NBI温度测量需求,设计了一种支持多种温度传感器的多通道低温测量系统;系统采用24位Σ-Δ模数转换(analog-to-digital converter,ADC)芯片AD7193执行模数转换,采用控制器STM32F103ZET6控制设定恒流源、切换测量通道、ADC、以太网通信、串口通信、温度数据处理以及其他控制电路;该温度测量电路的设计可以用于由恒流源驱动的四线制低温温度测量领域。

A set of temperature measurement points must be arranged on the cryopumps of neutral beam injector (NBI) for the purpose of monitoring their status. A kind of multi channel low temperature measurement system is designed to meet the demand of NBI which could support multiple temperature sensors. 24 hit sigma-delta (∑-△) analog to-digital converter (ADC) AD7193 is adopted to perform analog-to- digital conversion. An ARM processor STM32F103ZET6 is used for setting the value of constant current source, switching difierent chan- nels, controlling ADC, sending the data to the Ethernet by using TCP/IP protocol, RS232 data communication, data processing and control- ling some other parts of th...


文件名 大小
支持多种温度传感器的多通道低温测量系统的设计.pdf 333K

