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更新时间:2020-06-12 06:35:41 大小:770K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:感应电能传输系统 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


感应电能传输(Inductive Power Transfer,IPT)系统的输出电压受原边电流、线圈间距、谐振参数、负载等影响。为了让系统输出稳定的电压,提出一种应用于IPT系统副边的调压电路,利用IPT系统不同副边拓扑输出特性的不同,结合并联型与串联型拓扑的特点,在交流侧实现输出电压的调节。首先通过基波近似法求得系统等效阻抗与占空比的表达式,在此基础上求得输出电压与占空比之间的关系。然后对电路进行了简化,分析了无需使用双向开关的简化电路的输出特点。最后通过仿真验证了电路的有效性。

The output voltage of Inductive Power Transfer(IPT) systems would change due to primary coil current, distance between coils, resonance state and load. In this paper, a voltage regulating circuit for secondary of IPT systems was proposed to make the output voltage steady. The circuit takes advantage of the output characters of different topologies and regulates the output voltage in AC form. The relationship between equivalent impedance, output voltage and duty cycle is acquired by the fundamental approximation. Then the character of a simplified circuit that replace bidirectional switch with unidirectional switch was analyzed. At last, simulation was done to verify the circuit.


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感应电能传输系统输出电压调压电路研究.pdf 770K

