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更新时间:2020-09-27 17:50:06 大小:4M 上传用户:sun2152查看TA发布的资源 标签:IO扫描器 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Visual Inspection When you receive your equipment, carefully inspect all shipping containers for damage. If you notice any damage, notify the carrier immediately. Save the damaged shipping container to show the carrier As the consignee, it is your responsibility to register a claim with the carrier for damage that happened during shipment. However, GE Fanuc will fully cooperate with you, if such action is necessary Pre-installation Check After unpacking the equipment, record all serial numbers. These serial numbers may be required if you should need to contact Product Service during the warranty period of the equipment

外观检查收到设备时,请仔细检查所有运输容器是否损坏。如果发现任何损坏,请立即通知承运商。保存损坏的运输容器以显示承运人作为收货人,您有责任向承运人注册对运输过程中发生的损坏的索赔。但是,如果需要采取这种行动,GE Fanuc将与您全面合作。安装前检查打开设备包装后,记录所有序列号。如果您需要在设备的保修期内联系产品服务,则可能需要这些序列号


文件名 大小
GFK-1037B90-30远程IO扫描器使用手册.pdf 4M

