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更新时间:2024-03-14 18:51:38 大小:12M 上传用户:sun2152查看TA发布的资源 标签:gd32mcu 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Page erase/program protection The FMC provides page erase/program protection functions to prevent inadvertent operations  on the Flash memory. The page erase or program will not be accepted by the FMC on  protected pages. If the page erase or program command is sent to the FMC on a protected  page, the WPERR bit in the FMC_STATx registers will then be set by the FMC. If the WPERR bit is set and the ERRIE bit is also set to 1 to enable the corresponding interrupt, then the  Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC to draw the attention of the CPU.  The page protection function can be individually enabled by configuring the WP [31:0] bit field  to 0 in the option bytes. If an erase operation is executed on the option bytes block, all the  Flash Memory page protection functions will be disabled. When WP in the option bytes is  modified, a system reset followed is necessary.


文件名 大小
GD32F10x系列MCU用户手册.pdf 12M

