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eMiniBoard 开发板用户手册(英文版)

更新时间:2023-12-06 19:52:04 大小:2M 上传用户:xuzhen1查看TA发布的资源 标签:eminiboard开发板 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


eMiniBoard 开发板用户手册(英文版) MM32 eMiniBoard User Guide Introduction MM32 eMiniBoard (hereinafter referred to as eMiniBoard) development board, with ARM Keil/IAR integrated development environment, MM32 Program programming software, MM32 FDS firmware development platform and embedded MM32-LINK-OB emulator, Form a complete development ecosystem of the MM32 Cortex-M0/M3 MCU. The eMiniBoard development board contains the following seven models: ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-020 Based on Cortex-M0 Bluetooth development board, support MM32W051 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-021 Based on Cortex-M3 Bluetooth development board, support MM32W373 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-022 Based on Cortex-M0 Low Pin Count development board, support MM32F031/F003 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-023 Based on Cortex-M0 Low Power development board, support MM32L073 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-024 Based on Cortex-M3 General series development board, support MM32L373 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-025 Based on Cortex-M0 Enhanced General series development board, support MM32F032 MCU ⚫ eMiniBoard MB-032 Based on Cortex-M0 Low Pin Count development board, support MM32F00010 MCU Features The MM32 eMiniBoard development board has the following features: ⚫ Support MindMotion MM32 Cortex-M series MCU development evaluation ⚫ Supportintegrated development environment ofKeil uVision v5.0 / IAR EWARM v7.80 or above ⚫ Support MindMotion MM32 FDS firmware development platform ⚫ Support MindMotion MM32 Program programming software ⚫ Development board MCU power supply based on 3.3V voltage design ⚫ Support up to 4KV EFT anti-interference ability ⚫ Embedded MM32-LINK-OB in-circuit emulator, support SWD debugging interface and intelligently connected CDC virtual serial port ⚫ Unified design of component numbers, locations, and functions of common parts of all development boards ⚫ Emulator USB interface or target MCU USB interface power supply ⚫ 4-Side button ⚫ 4-LED ⚫ 1-UART Connector ⚫ 1-USB Connector ⚫ 1-CAN Connector(Optional) and CAN driver and terminal matching resistor switch ⚫ 1-16 Mbit SPI Flash memory ⚫ 1-2048 bit I2C EEPROM memory ⚫ 1-Speaker ⚫ 1-3 Analog input potentiometers ⚫ 1-Built-in expansion function and MCU pin function selection switch ⚫ 0.1 inch pitch double-row pin socket with the same MCU pin (some function pins are not led out) ⚫ Compatible with Arduino NUO interface, PCB size 3.0*2.85 inches ⚫ Quickly distinguish the blue, black and white PCB color matching of the development board function ⚫ SMT manufacturing process General The eMiniBoard development board is based on the General part of the buttons, LED indicators, UART / CAN(Optional) connector and MM32-LINK virtual serial port connection functions and relationships as shown in the following table: The eMiniBoard development board MM32-LINK-OB emulator function is identical to thestandalone standard MM32-LINK emulator. The firmware upgrade code is the same as the MM32-LINK emulator. The MM32-LINK emulator power supply is powered by an independentpower supply and is separated from the target MCU power supply. Connector CN1 is only used toprogram the emulator MCU. When using the emulator and powering the board, plug one end of the USB cable into the CN2 socket of the connector and the other end to the USB port of the PC. The red LED of the MM32- LINK emulator indicates that the emulator is not connected to the personal computer, and green indicates that the emulator is connected to the personal computer. When using the USB function of the target MCU, connect the USB cable to the CN3 socket. Whether the emulator USB cable is connected or not is independent of the USB connection of the targetMCU.


文件名 大小
eMiniBoard_开发板用户手册(英文版).pdf 2M



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