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更新时间:2020-08-13 05:29:35 大小:243K 上传用户:守着阳光1985查看TA发布的资源 标签:dsp温度采集 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


设计了一种基于DSP 的多路温度采集系统,用于采集和处理多路温度数据。系统采用了温度传感器LM35和DSP 芯片,并结合相关的程序和软件,实现了多路温度数据采集和处理。该系统硬件电路简单,同时相对于单片机的数据采集系统更能满足系统在精确度和实时性方面的要求。实验证明,系统具有较好的实时性、方便性和安全性,可用于大多数工农业领域的实时温度采集。

This paper designs a multi-channel temperature acquisition system based on DSP , which is used to collect and process multi-channel temperature data . Using the LM35 temperature sensor and DSP chip , and combining with related programs and software , the system realizes the multi-channel temperature data acquisition and processing . The hardware circuit is simple , at the same time , comparing with the single chip microcomputer data acquisition system , it can satisfy the accuracy and real-time re-quirements of the data acquisition system . Experiment proves that the system has good real-time performance , convenience and safety , which can be used in the most of the real-time temperature acquisition in the field of industry and agriculture .


文件名 大小
基于DSP的多路温度采集系统硬件电路设计.pdf 243K

