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DisplayPort 标准协议1.2

更新时间:2022-08-27 15:51:16 大小:7M 上传用户:定时计数器查看TA发布的资源 标签:displayport 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Purpose The purpose of this document is to define a flexible system and apparatus capable of transporting video, audio and other data between a Source Device and a Sink Device over a digital communications interface. Summary The DisplayPort™ standard specifies an open digital communications interface for use in both internal connections, such as interfaces within a PC or monitor, and external display connections. Suitable external display connections include interfaces between a PC and monitor or projector, between a PC and TV, or between a device such as a DVD player and TV display. DisplayPort Ver.1.1a is revised to correct errata items in and add clarifications to DisplayPort Standard Version 1, Revision 1. DisplayPort Ver. 1.2 is revised to add enhancements including higher speed operation, more flexible topology management, multiple streams on a single connection, higher speed Auxiliary Channel communications, improved support for audio, and a new smaller connector. It also corrects errata items in and adds clarifications to DisplayPort Standard Version 1, Revision 1a


文件名 大小
DP-1.2.pdf 7M



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