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更新时间:2020-07-09 10:14:58 大小:200K 上传用户:xiaohei1810查看TA发布的资源 标签:cmos图像传感器 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


高性能的信号读出电路是微光CMOS图像传感器的重要组成部分,如何降低读出电路噪声,提高读出电路输出信号的信噪比成为读出电路设计的重点。本文设计了一种高增益低噪声的电容反馈跨阻放大器CTIA(Capacitive Trans impedanceAmplifier)与相关双采样电路CDS (Correlated Double Sampling)相结合的微光探测器读出电路。在CTIA电路中,采用T网络电容实现fF级的积分电容,并通过增益开关控制,来达到对微弱光信号的高增益低噪声读出。采用CSMC公司的0.5μm标准CMOS工艺库对电路进行流片,测试结果表明:在光电流信号为20~300 pA范围内,积分时间为20μs,该电路功能良好,信噪比(SNR)达到10,能应用于微光CMOS图像传感器。

High performance signal readout circuit is the important component of low-light-level COMS image sensor. How to reduce the readout circuit noise and improve output signal noise radio is the emphasis of the circuit design. This paper projects a kind of readout circuit for low-light-level photo detector with high gain, low noise Capacitive Trans impedance Amplifier and Correlated Double Sampling circuit. CTIA circuit uses a switched capacitor voltage divider feedback circuit to achieve high sensitivity and low read noise. The circuit is fabricated with CSMC 0.5μm CMOS technology, measurement result...


文件名 大小
微光CMOS图像传感器读出电路研究.pdf 200K

