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更新时间:2020-07-31 06:25:43 大小:255K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:二极管buck芯片 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


BUCK芯片中传统的自举电路都需要一个肖特基二极管,由于工艺限制,用普通二极管并联得到,这种做法很占芯片面积,不利于芯片集成。采用新颖的自举电路,用一个高压PMOS管代替了传统结构中的二极管,其电流导通能力更强,导通压降更小,并且能够在更广泛的工艺上实现。该电路还实现了整流管全集成供电,相对于用普通二极管做的自举电路模块节省了约8.9%的面积,并且进一步降低了功耗。电路基于0.5μm BCD工艺库,利用Cadence和Hspice软件进行电路仿真,在芯片系统典型应用环境下仿真得到BS引脚电压比LX引脚高约4.56 V,静态电流42.82μA。

Traditional bootstrap circuit of Buck converter requires a Schottky diode,or common diodes in parallel are adopted to realize the same performance due to process limitation. However,those methods result in large chip area, and further the incapacity of integrating. A novel bootstrap circuit is introduced by using a high voltage PMOS instead of the diode in the traditional structure. The PMOS exhibits stronger current conduction ability and smaller conduction voltage drop. The proposed circuit can be manufactured by a wider range of processes. Moreover,the proposed circuit also presents a full integrated rectifier tube power supply and reduces power consumption,the ch...


文件名 大小
无二极管的高压BUCK芯片低功耗自举供电电路设计.pdf 255K

