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更新时间:2020-11-20 00:54:41 大小:6M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:电流保护器 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


随着光伏发电系统快速发展,以及电动汽车充电桩的普及,传统的剩余电流保护器无法满足实际需求。介绍了一款B型剩余电流保护器,采用磁调制剩余电流互感器和零序电流互感器采集剩余电流。根据GB/T 22794—2017标准要求,可识别1 kHz及以下的正弦交流、带和不带直流分量的脉动直流、平滑直流等剩余电流信号。经信号调理电路将电压信号送到单片机进行采集和判断。通过试验测试,该样机在测试精度和速度上均符合国家标准的相关要求。

The rapid development of photovoltaic power generation systems and the popularity of electric vehicle charging piles make the traditional residual current protective devices unable to meet the actual demand.This paper proposed a type B residual current protective device,which uses the magnetically modulated residual current transformer and the zero sequence current transformer to acquire the residual current.According to the requirements of GB/T 22794—2017,the type B residual current protective device can detect sinusoidal AC residual current of 1kHz and below 1kHz,pulsating DC residual current with and without DC component,smooth DC residual current and so on.The signal processing circuit sends the voltage signal to the MCU for acquisition and judgment.Through experimental tests,the device meets the relevant requirements of national standards in terms of test accuracy and speed.


文件名 大小
B型剩余电流保护器设计.pdf 6M



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