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更新时间:2020-10-27 14:22:58 大小:1M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:altium designer 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


在飞思卡尔智能车竞赛中电机驱动电路板是完成智能车搭建必要的硬件。针对电机驱动原理的电路板设计,本文提出了基于AltiumDesigner10和IRLR7843双电机驱动电路板的设计。电机驱动电路以IRLR7843为核心,将IRLR7843 MOS管组成H桥驱动电路,电路板原理图和PCB的设计采用AltiumDesigner10软件进行。结果表明,利用IRLR7843设计的H桥双电机驱动电路板能驱动智能小车电机完成正转、反转、加速、减速和急停等动作。

In the Freescale Carle smart car competition,the motor drive circuit board is the necessary hardware to complete the smart car.Aiming at the circuit board design of motor drive principle,this paper presents the design of dual motor drive circuit board based on Altium Designer 10 and IRLR7843.The motor drive circuit takes the IRLR7843 as the core,the IRLR7843 MOS tube is composed of the H bridge driving circuit,the circuit board schematic diagram and the design of PCB are carried out by the AltiumDesigner10 software.The results show that the H bridge dual motor drive circuit board designed by IRLR7843 can drive the motor of the smart car to complete positive rotation,reversal,acceleration,deceleration and urgent stop.


文件名 大小
基于AltiumDesigner10和IRLR7843双电机驱动电路板的设计.pdf 1M

