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116.IOSiChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber

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116.IOS应用源码之【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone


【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/all-wcprops3KB2011-02-07 14:25:46
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/entries5KB2011-02-07 14:25:46
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/Buddy.h.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:44
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/Buddy.m.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:44
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/BuddyAction.h.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:42
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/BuddyAction.m.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:42
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/BuddyCell.h.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:42
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/BuddyCell.m.svn-base2KB2011-02-07 14:25:42
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/COPYING.svn-base18KB2011-02-07 14:25:44
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/EyeCandy.h.svn-base1KB2011-02-07 14:25:42
【应用】★★★★-iChabber-Simple gtalk and jabber client for the ipod touch and iphone/ichabber/.svn/text-base/EyeCandy.m.svn-base2KB2011-02-07 14:25:42



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