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1oo2 reference architecture (Figure 4) contains two separate channels, either implemented as 1oo1

reference architecture ensuring safety integrity of Compliant item through combining Device internal processes

(implemented safety mechanisms) with external processes WDTe and VMONe. The overall safety integrity is

then ensured by the external voter PEv, which allows claiming hardware fault tolerance (HFT) equal to 1. The

PEv role is indeed to facilitate the safety function processing by each of the two individual channels, to allow

the safety function implementation even in case one channel is faulty. The PEv complexity implementation is

strongly dependent on the nature of the safety function and safe state definitions. Achievement of higher safety

integrity levels as per IEC61508-2 Table 3 is therefore possible. Appropriate separation between the two channels

(including power supply separation) should be implemented in order to avoid huge impact of common-cause

failures (refer to Section 4.2 Analysis of dependent failures). However, β and βD parameters computation is


This architecture targets SIL3, under the assumption that each channel follows all requirements indicated for SIL2

in this manual. Pay attention: according the clause in IEC61508-2, this architectural scheme may provide

benefits to the software applications systematic capability (SC) only in case diverse software is adopted in the two



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um2454-stm32g4-series-safety-manual-stmicroelectronics.pdf 1009K



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