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更新时间:2020-10-29 19:11:35 大小:1M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:NB-IoT 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


NB-IoT是IoT领域一项新兴的技术,它支持低功耗设备在广域网蜂窝数据连接,具有低功耗、低成本、广覆盖、大连接等优势。设计制造出一款符合3GPP R13标准的NB-IoT模组,设计制作的NB-IoT模组主要通信芯片为Hi2115芯片,外部主要接口电路有电源电路和射频电路。在NB-IoT模组设计完成后介绍本模组用到的相关AT指令,对其进行入网操作,并将其应用到动物奶的保鲜这一实际生活场景中,取得良好效果。设计的模组经过测试,满足商业应用指标。

NB-IoT is an emerging technology in the IoT field.It supports low-power devices in WAN cellular data connections with low power consumption,low cost,wide coverage,and large connections.This paper designs and manufactures a NB-IoT module that conforms to the communication standard.The main communication chip of the NB-IoT module is Hi2115 chip.The external main interface circuit has power supply circuit and RF circuit.After the design of the NB-IoT module is completed,the relevant AT command is put forward,and the network operation is carried out.And it is applied to the actual life scene of keeping the animal milk fresh,and good results are obtained.The designed modules have been tested to meet commercial application specifications.


文件名 大小
基于海思芯片的NB-IoT通信模块设计与实现.pdf 1M

