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更新时间:2020-10-22 12:35:12 大小:835K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:集成电路探测仪 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


设计了基于VA32-TA32芯片的γ暴偏振探测仪,用于探测γ暴的偏振度。设计中,采用多通道专用集成电路采集γ射线与多个塑料闪烁体棒发生康普顿散射的散射光子和电子信号,从采集的位置而得到入射γ暴射线的偏振度。该采集方法可大大降低传统电子学探测系统的功耗和复杂程度,从而为γ暴偏振探测仪的航天应用提供技术支撑。该探测仪的线性动态范围为66.9 d B,最大输入电荷量20 pC,串扰不大于0.1%,基线不大于±10 mV。

This article designs γ-ray bursts polarization detector to detect the γ-ray polarization based the VA32-TA32 chips. To achieve this purpose,it uses the multi-channel application-specific integrated circuits to collect the scattering photon and electron signals when the Compton scattering happen between the incoming γ-ray photons and the multiple plastic scintillator bars,so the incoming γ-rays polarization degree could be deduced from the positions of scattering photons and electrons. This method could reduce the power dissipation and complexity level largely comparing to the custom electronics detection system,so as to offer technical support for space application. This detector' s input linear dynamic range is 66. 9 d B,the larg...


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基于多通道专用集成电路的γ暴偏振探测仪设计.pdf 835K



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