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CAN fault

更新时间:2015-09-27 16:27:46 大小:134K 上传用户:Laspide查看TA发布的资源 标签:CAN 下载积分:0分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Papers published in this journal concerning the fault embedded in CAN protocol are answered by the inventor Bosch . I t admits the existence of transmission and receiving delay caused by the fault confined mechanism. B ut it denies the bad side effect by not mentioning it and emphasizing the good effect of introducing this fault confining mechanism and calling it as feature but Bug. Present paper points the bad effect of quasi bus off and real bus off to the application. It is possible to cause a large scale recalling. Actually, the bad side and good side of introducing this fault confining mechanism are separable. Improving the protocol will not only is a necessary for current applications, but also will increase the comp e ti tive edge of CAN in the future applications.


文件名 大小
Debate_about_CAN_fault.pdf 134K

