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更新时间:2020-10-22 03:01:30 大小:853K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:同步整流boost软启动 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


针对开关电源启动中出现浪涌电流的问题,设计了一种通过控制电流的方式来实现升压电路中的软启动电路,避免了在切入正常调制时出现较大过冲的现象。通过仿真,所设计的5VBOOsT同步整流DC/DC电路输出电压曲线平滑稳定,未在启动阶段出现浪涌电流和结束后的较大过冲电压。通过对0.5μm 5V CMOS工艺流片后的电路测试,结果证明利用该设计,5V升压电路实现了预期的软启动作用,并可灵活应用在其他DC/DC类开关电源管理芯片中。

For switch power surge current problems appear in the start, we design a control current ways to boost circuit to realize the soft start circuit, avoided in there is greater than rush into normal modulation. Through simulation, the output voltage curve of BOOST 5 V synchronous rectification DC/DC circuit is smooth and stable, and the surge current and the overshoot voltage are not at the start stage. Based on the circuit test after 0.5 μm 5 V CMOS process flow sheet. The results show that using the design, the 5 V voltage booster circuit can realize the soft start is expected. And can be flexible used in other similar DC/DC switching power management chip.


文件名 大小
同步整流BOOST型DC/DC软启动电路.pdf 853K

