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Altera 官方PCI Express到DDR2 SDRAM 参考设计

更新时间:2020-05-31 10:10:03 大小:2M 上传用户:xzxbybd查看TA发布的资源 标签:alterapci expressddr2sdram 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Altera PCI Express到DDR2 SDRAM 参考设计

The Altera® PCI Express-to-DDR2 SDRAM reference design provides a

sample interface between the Altera PCI Express MegaCore® function

and a 64-bit, 256-MByte DDR2 SDRAM memory. Altera offers this

reference design to potential users to demonstrate the operation of

Altera's PCI Express MegaCore function. The reference design enables

users to evaluate the PCI Express MegaCore function for integration into

an Altera FPGA. The reference design has the following features:

■ Supports PCI Express (PCIe) root complex to PCIe end point

memory read and write transactions

■ Supports PCIe end point to PCIe root complex DMA read and write


■ Uses the dual-port FIFO buffer function from the library of

parameterized modules (LPM)

■ Uses the PCI Express MegaCore function

■ Uses the DDR2 SDRAM Controller MegaCore function

■ Uses the Stratix® II GX field-programmable gate array (FPGA) with

internal transceivers

This document contains the following topics:


文件名 大小
Altera_PCI_Express到DDR2_SDRAM_参考设计.pdf 2M

